
Cù Bòcan: the Scottish Single Malt that opens new sensorial horizons

cu bocan

Here are the new releases of whiskey that is distilled for only a few days a year.

A true celebration of all the aromatic nuances between a light smokiness and an elegant sweetness, Cù Bòcan is an experimental Single Malt Scotch Whiskey from the Highlands which explores different innovative refinement techniques to create limited editions full of surprises.

Cù Bòcan it is produced in the stills of Tomatin, distillery a few kilometers from Inverness which has written important pages in the history of Scotch Whiskey since its birth in 1897.

cu bocan

Cù Bòcan, according to legend, he was mysterious ghostly dog which for many years had frightened the village of Tomatin and its terrified inhabitants. One night, apparently, a distillery worker who had been late found it in front of him and, after having tried in vain to escape, driven by curiosity, he tried to touch it. As soon as his fingers grazed the black fur, the dog suddenly dissolved into a cloud of eerie blue smoke.


Cù Bòcan was distilled for the first time in 2005, and immediately dedicated himself to exploring and experimenting, seeking ever-changing balances from time to time. To achieve this, it is aged in a great variety of different and often unusual barrels, which are then combined and balanced in always surprising combinations.

From a technical point of view, for the production of Cù Bòcan Only Scottish barley of the Optic variety is used slightly peated, around 15 ppm. After a long fermentation, which lasts up to 112 hours, the must is distilled in the large Tomatin stills.

cu bocan creation 5

The great peculiarity of Cù Bòcan is that distillation only occurs for one week each year, In the winter period: the low temperatures, in fact, allow faster condensation of the vapors in the still, which therefore return to liquid form sooner, reducing contact with the copper.

The distillate thus obtained is more full-bodied, and has a decidedly aromatic and fruity character, which is not overpowered by the peat of the barley. Here we do not find the characteristic aggressiveness of Islay malts, but rather a more accentuated complexity, with mineral and smoky aromas that blend harmoniously with the general softness.

Aging contemporary and unusual

cu bocan

The objective of Cù Bòcan is explained in the claim “unlock the unusual”: the Creation series, composed by limited editions only, explore the great variety of woods selected and used for maturation. New aromatic dimensions, never experienced before and which often reveal unpredictable results.

Jacopo Grosser, brand manager of Beija Flor, Cù Bòcan distribution company in Italy, tells us about this brand like this: “The last 15 years have seen an exponential growth in Scotch Whisky, with its popularity reaching ever younger and smarter drinkers. It becomes fundamental, however ride accompany this growth, to be able to offer the curious drinker and the enthusiast something always new and exciting: in this sense a product like Cù Bòcan is perfect, it is in fact a peated Single Malt Scotch Whiskey (which is very important for the Italian market!) which it is designed to be innovative and experimental. Starting from the look & feel of the brand: the bottle is in fact a great break with the classic image of whisky. This approach is obviously reflected in the aromas and flavors: the use of ever new and unusual barrels (from ex-Cabernet barrels from Morocco to the precious oak of the Andes, from ex-Japanese Shochu barrels to barrels of Rum and Cognac) leads to a stimulating and unexpected flavor profile, designed to amaze and push the boundaries of what whiskey can be just a little further.”

cu bocan 15 years

The three new releases: Cù Bòcan 12 YO, 15YO and #5:

Creation's first two releases dared to age in barrels of Moscatel wine, Imperial Stout, American virgin oak and Japanese Shochu, and the subsequent ones experimented with maturations in Moroccan Cabernet, Rye Whiskey, Port and Cognac.

Like the previous ones, also the last three releases of Cù Bòcan they seek to take Scotch Whiskey further, while continuing to preserve its most authentic tradition.

cu bocan

The Cù Bòcan 12 YO it ideally takes us into the atmosphere of long Scottish nights, to be spent with friends next to a bonfire on the beach. Aged in barrels that have contained Caribbean rum, it is a fresh Single Malt, rich in aromas of grilled pineapple, ginger and white chocolate.

cu bocan

The Cù Bòcan 15 YO seems to want to return in some way to the origins to better celebrate the entire journey made and foretaste the future to come. Matured for at least 15 years completely in barrels that have contained Oloroso Sherry, it is a sumptuous Single Malt, rich in hints of dried fruit and exotic smoky spices. This is the oldest Cù Bòcan ever put on the market so far.

cu bocan cocktail

The release Creation #5 it was aged in an incredibly rare type of barrel, Andean oak. The union between the unique properties of this particular wood and the delicate smoking has created notes of lightly charred oak with deep aromas of exotic floral herbs and roasted bananas.


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