
Amaro Lucano is the sponsor of 50 Best Bars


In the world of cocktail shops, 50 Best Bars represents the most important recognition on a global scale dedicated to best bars, which consecrates the success of a place in terms of visibility, popularity and of course customers. Appeared for the first time in 2009, the prestigious ranking of The World's 50 Best Bars recognizes the best of the international industry, as well as providing an annual guide to the best places to drink in the world. 

From 2022 Bitter Lucan is the official amaro sponsor of The World's 50 Best Bars and The Asia's 50 Best Bars: an exclusive collaboration which sees the famous product as the only partner in the bitters category, demonstrating the growing interest and importance in this category. In recent years, amaro has, in fact, undergone a reversal in consumption, becoming the protagonist in mixology, used in mixing cocktails to be enjoyed from aperitif to after dinner. Thanks to its perfect balance between sweet and bitter and its particular aromatic bouquet, where the citrus notes stand out, Amaro Lucano is perfect to be used as a base for the construction of drinks: a new challenge for bartenders from all over the world, always most appreciated among lovers of mixed drinks.

Among the other available variations of Amaro Lucano: Amaro Lucano Anniversary, the precious version of the famous amaro created on the occasion of the company's 120th anniversary, Amaro Lucano Essence, the bitter aged for twelve months in barrique and Amaro Lucano with Mint. 

«We are extremely proud to be a partner of such an important event for the bar industry, which will allow us to further strengthen the bond with the international community of bartenders to whom we are particularly attached – confirms Leonardo Vena, member of the family that has always owned Amaro Lucano – Participation will also see us as protagonists in the sponsorship of other parallel prizes within the 50 best bars, designed for participants from individual countries"


It is also among the sponsors of the two events Mancino Vermouth, the Italian company producing artisanal vermouth recently acquired by the Lucano Group. The brand is present with its vermouth references as an exclusive partner of the category.

The Asia's 50 Best Bars 2022 edition will begin next April 28. An event that will reward the best 50 Asian bars during a live ceremony scheduled in Bangkok (Thailand), also broadcast live on The World's 50 Best Bars Facebook and YouTube channels.  The special list will be preceded by a series of parallel awards, as well as the presentation of the ranking of the best bars in the world ranked from number 51 to number 100.

MT Magazine editorial team

MT Magazine editorial team

MT Magazine è una finestra sempre aggiornata sul mondo della miscelazione italiana e internazionale. Nata nel 2017, da un’idea di Laura Carello, il progetto ambiva a creare una guida circoscritta ai cocktail bar di Torino e Milano, in pochi anni poi si è ingrandita al punto tale da diventare un vero e proprio magazine di riferimento per il settore della mixology e gli appassionati di cocktail.

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