
National Record Mixer: the final and the Gran Futurista Evening on 18 October


[:en]The Grand Futurist Evening, during which the Record mixer 2018, will take place on October 18th about to leave from 6pm to the National Automobile Museum of Turin.
For the first time the final of the competition will be open to the public who will be able to enter for free, watch the preparations, taste the competing drinks served by the competing mixers and assign their preference.

Here are the ten multi-drinks (cocktails) formulated by the same number of creative mixers (barmen) who enter the final of the competition National Record Mixer 2018:The Teaser Of Palmerino Bussolo (Password Speakeasy / Password Bartender School – Castel Frentano, Chieti); The Sensational made with the BRIDE Of Valerio Dussich (Bologna); Come on, get up from down Of Marco Fedele (Botaniko, Rome); The good of Futurism Of Michele Guagliardo (Roma, Ravenna); And now (b)pasta!!!! Of Luca Menegazzo (Estremadura Café in Verbania); Cif-Ciaf Of Luca Roatta (Relais Cuba Chocolat, Cuneo);  It's ready! Nonna Italia's Bruschetta Of Massimo Stronati (Vina Enoteca, Palo Alto, California);  Marinetti's intellects Of Valerio Trentani (Alchemy, Milan); The electrodisiac Of Salvatore Vita (Osteria la Carbonara since 1906, Rome); The winter by Giacomo Agostini Of Simone Zani (Riserva del Grande / Bar Keeper School, Brescia).

The competition will start at 7.00 pm and will be preceded by an introductory seminar on the theme of Futurist Mixing.

In addition to the vote of the technical jury (Roberto Bava, CEO of Cocchi, Fulvio Piccinino, barman and Futurist Mixing expert, Rossella De Stefano, director of Bargiornale, Nerina Di Nunzio, director of IED Rome, Cinzia Ferro, National Record Mixer 2016 and Mirko Turconi, bar Manager Piano 35 Lounge Bar), who will elect the National Record Mixer 2018, space will therefore be given to one's taste and vote popular jury which everyone can take part in and which will award its own prize.

Each of the finalists will have at their disposal a station where they will prepare their own polydrink and which they will be able to customize in line with the theme of the mixture itself: in fact, creativity is, as always, one of the main evaluation criteria together with technique and compliance with the rules set out in the NeoManifesto of Futurist Mixing.

A spectacular mixing style, which enhances the products of the historic national liqueur, preparations that are transformed into unique and irreverent performances, bizarre, surprising and provocative mixtures, true temporary works of art designed to arouse emotions, reflections, comments and actions : this is the Futurist Mixing and these are the ingredients that make the Turin event on 18 October unmissable.

"A 'Futurism to drink' - points out Roberto Bava, CEO of Cocchi - who celebrates the speed and ability to make Futurist Mixing usable and understandable to a 'profane' public: the mixer that will best succeed in this task is the one that will obtain the title of National Record Mixer 2018".

Participation in the event is free and open to all after registering at this link: 
http://eventitobe.it/tobe/futurismo/ until all available places are filled.



MT Magazine editorial team

MT Magazine è una finestra sempre aggiornata sul mondo della miscelazione italiana e internazionale. Nata nel 2017, da un’idea di Laura Carello, il progetto ambiva a creare una guida circoscritta ai cocktail bar di Torino e Milano, in pochi anni poi si è ingrandita al punto tale da diventare un vero e proprio magazine di riferimento per il settore della mixology e gli appassionati di cocktail.

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