
Carmelo Licata, an exponential journey from Dry Martini to Seta Garden Lounge Bar


A young talent who gradually blossoms in the world of bartending, from the first steps taken at Dry Martini in Sorrento to the new project underway in Giulianova in Abruzzo.

Carmelo Licata, it is said, began his journey at a very young age, like many he approached the world of bars by working in clubs and other small venues in his home town near L'Aquila. His professional path grows over time, the different skills acquired and the experience gained lead him towards new shores, until his first big leap in quality with the entry into Lucio D'orsi's Dry Martini of Sorrento. Curiosity and experimentation do not stop and Carmelo sets off on a new adventure, returning to Abruzzo in Giulianova, where he took part in the brand new project Seta Garden Lounge Bar.

How was the experience at Dry Martini?

The experience at Dry Martini trained me from every point of view: from the organization to the service up to the management of customer reception; thanks to the knowledge he passed on to me about Lucio D'orsi who we can define as synonymous with mastery and elegance in the hospitality sector.

What is Lounge Bar Seta?

My collaboration on the project Seta Garden Lounge Bar it was born by pure chance, I was asked to do a consultancy for this new reality that was about to start up, from there a collaboration was born. The place opened just four months ago, thanks to the creative flair in terms of design of the owner and my partner Federica Feriozzi, it was a pastry shop that wanted to enter the world of mixology with the ambition of offering the people of Abruzzo a new meeting point where they could not only eat, but also drink at a high level.

What project is behind this new reality?

The project will grow over time, we intend to open new outlets in Italy and abroad: Marche, Lazio, Lombardy and New York. We can define it as one new concept to define the reality of the bar, it is a place halfway between a hotel cocktail bar and a street bar. The service is impeccable like that of a hotel, with bartenders in suits and ties and absolute elegance, but with an informal atmosphere in which everyone can feel at ease. The aim is precisely to open the doors to a wider clientele, giving everyone the opportunity to try and learn about a place where high-level mixology blends with everyday life.

Will there be any contamination between food & beverage?

We are studying them, for now the place is based mainly on mixology. It is an ongoing project that is growing exponentially day after day. The cuisine that we will propose at the beginning of the autumn season will be based substantially on the Asian world at 360˚ at a gourmet level.

What is your mixing proposal?

The current drink list is inspired by the world of international cinema in which we wanted to include the major arts that intertwine with each other: music, visual art and mixing. The music is honored with cocktails dedicated to the trilogy Spaghetti Westerns by Ennio Moricone, who appears on the cover. Visual art is celebrated with special paintings present in our menu, prepared for us by some artists in which there is an association between the film and the most famous characters who have made the history of cinema. Mixing comes into play with the customer, we have voluntarily omitted the ingredients from the menu, the customer chooses his drink based on the picture shown and from there during the execution we tell it to him as if it were a story that comes to life through the cocktail. I really believe in emotion, I find it important to stimulate an emotion in the client.

You are a place that is constantly evolving, but what will be the most upcoming news?

I'm working on the release of the new drink list which will have eco-sustainability as its central focus, therefore totally drinks no waste, recovery will be fundamental from preparations to garnishes: fruit waste will become coasters or gadgets for the bar. The choice of raw materials will also be important, I want to give great space to the seasonality of the products and always work only with quality products. The new menu will be called Nature, divided into four parts: sweet, bitter, sour and umami. Furthermore, we have drawn up a calendar full of events, we currently have 13 guests scheduled who will follow one another in the months to come. We will host the best bartenders of the moment from the best cocktail bars around the world, for the Italian dates we will see October 27th 1930 behind the counter Seta Garden Lounge Bar and, to follow, in the month of November Brakes and clutches And The Court.

Your favorite cocktail?

The Martini cocktail, I love drinking it and preparing it for others. It is not a drink that I drink alone, I consider it a company cocktail, the Martini is a convivial drink and I find that there must be the right atmosphere to be able to drink it. If, however, I find myself going to a bar with friends or acquaintances, I prefer to taste their signatures, I'm curious, I'm not the classic bartender who only drinks classics.



Clelia Mumolo




MT Magazine editorial team

MT Magazine è una finestra sempre aggiornata sul mondo della miscelazione italiana e internazionale. Nata nel 2017, da un’idea di Laura Carello, il progetto ambiva a creare una guida circoscritta ai cocktail bar di Torino e Milano, in pochi anni poi si è ingrandita al punto tale da diventare un vero e proprio magazine di riferimento per il settore della mixology e gli appassionati di cocktail.

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