
Belvedere Heritage 176: the perfect gift idea to rediscover the taste of tradition


Last days before Christmas: the rush for gifts for family and friends is crazy. The list of recipients alone can be "scary". Often there is not only a lack of time available, but also ideas for giving the right gift to the people you care about most. After all, what better time than Christmas to demonstrate it?

Don't worry, Belvedere has the solution! Heritage 176, the spirit born from the oldest tradition of Polish vodka, is the perfect gift idea for spirits lovers and for sharing a special moment. Heritage 176 is an exclusive blend of Belvedere Vodka Pure with a rye malt distillate. With its strong, decisive character, excellent for being enjoyed straight, on the rocks, but also when mixed, Heritage 176 is the result of a process deriving from the oldest rye malting and toasting techniques, used by the very first rye distillers to reveal its the deepest and most distinctive aromas: a fire process enhanced the characteristics of the rye that would otherwise have remained hidden or buried, giving the distillate a rich, complex and full-bodied profile.

Heritage 176 recovers ancient knowledge to rediscover completely new flavors in the world of vodka. A name that already says a lot: Heritage, because the malting of rye as the basis of the distillate is a centuries-old process that in ancient times was used in Poland to produce highly prized vodka; 176, like the temperature (in degrees Fahrenheit) reached by the kilns in the last part of the malting process: kilning.

In the name of continuity with an ancient tradition, which does not give up research and innovation while taking advantage of its own heritage of savoir-faire, Belvedere Vodka enhances nature and territory, sublimated in its extraordinary raw material, Polish 100%, to offer connoisseurs a new sensorial experience.

Tasting notes:

Intense baked rye and walnut bread, enriched with notes of caramel, shortcrust pastry and spices.
A rich, velvety texture opens with a bold mix of toasted rye, macadamia nut and honey, accompanied by a light creaminess and hints of sweet spices.
Smooth and sumptuous with complex layers of sweetness and soft spice, perfectly balancing the natural sweetness of the rye.
Heritage 176 is available in the most exclusive cocktail bars in Italy, in the best wine shops and on selected e-commerce platforms.


MT Magazine editorial team

MT Magazine è una finestra sempre aggiornata sul mondo della miscelazione italiana e internazionale. Nata nel 2017, da un’idea di Laura Carello, il progetto ambiva a creare una guida circoscritta ai cocktail bar di Torino e Milano, in pochi anni poi si è ingrandita al punto tale da diventare un vero e proprio magazine di riferimento per il settore della mixology e gli appassionati di cocktail.

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