
Florentine Arts and Crafts the new drink list of the Santa Cocktail Club in Florence


“All our actions are animated by courage”, this is the motto of Simone Covan, bar manager of Santa Cocktail Club of Florence. A novelty, that of the restaurant located in the magnificent Piazza Santa Maria Novella, which has been able to earn, in a very short time, the status of reference point for Florentine mixing.

Simone Covan

The Santa Cocktail Club project in Florence

In the project of this particular one cocktail bar different experiences come together, exploring new flavours, choosing carefully liqueurs and spirits, preparing our fruit and flower reductions, and we mix the ingredients with expert hands.

Each drink is distinctive in both flavor and appearance, to provide a complete experience in which all the senses are involved. Scenic and tasty cocktails, complex and at the same time simple to drink, accompanied by delicious tastings, to be enjoyed in a simple and essential way.

The drink list of the Santa Cocktail Club

The card of  is characterized by the presence of different sections of the menu, i Twist on classic, creations common to all Santa Cocktail Club (also present in Florence at Villa Cora, in Rome and in the next opening in Venice) and i signature cocktails, inspired by a different theme in each bar of the group.

The signature cocktails of the Santa Cocktail Club of Santa Maria Novella takes inspiration from Florentine Arts and Crafts; five Arts (exchange, doctors and apothecaries, vinattieri, hoteliers, stone and wood masters) for each of which two drinks were created, combining historicity and contemporaneity, in a mix that enhances excellent products and advanced techniques.

Dr. Punch, the representative cocktail of the Santa Cocktail Club of Florence

It belongs to this second selection of cocktails Dr. Punch, a drink dedicated to the Art of Doctors and Spacemen, as at the time of the Renaissance, apothecaries used countless spices from all over the world both for food and for medicinal purposes. For the realization of this "milk punch” the spices are immersed in the alcoholic part so as to gradually flavor the entire mixture.

Santa Cocktail Club of Florence

After the first 24 hours, during which all the ingredients of the recipe are left to macerate, a small quantity of milk is added which will begin the "milk washing”: the contact between the milk and the lemon, thanks to its high acidity, will lead to the creation of rennet which will have an initial filtering and then a final micro-filtering through the use of special coffee bags.

This process will lead to the clarification of the cocktail, making it clear and transparent. Dr. Punch is the most representative drink of the Santa Cocktail Club reality and the research that underlies it, so much so that for the creation of
This Signature Cocktails it takes about 36 hours.




MT Magazine editorial team

MT Magazine è una finestra sempre aggiornata sul mondo della miscelazione italiana e internazionale. Nata nel 2017, da un’idea di Laura Carello, il progetto ambiva a creare una guida circoscritta ai cocktail bar di Torino e Milano, in pochi anni poi si è ingrandita al punto tale da diventare un vero e proprio magazine di riferimento per il settore della mixology e gli appassionati di cocktail.

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