
MAG La Pusterla, the new drink list inspired by the world of celebrities


A couple of famous people who divide their time between two of the venues in the MAG world, with World's Famous Couples, those who pass by MAG La Pusterla can only go to MAG i Navigli with a magical cinema ticket.


The world of MAG

This new traveling drink list named after World's Famous Couples opens a direct connection between the MAG the Pusterla and the MAG the Navigli. This is a new project that gives customers of both venues the opportunity to move from one venue to another to taste the new drink list divided into pairs of cocktails, but be careful, the pairs have been divided between the two venues, therefore , if you want to taste the missing part of this apple you will have to go to the other place to find out what the double "taste" of your favorite character is.

How a new drink list is born

The drink lists of MAG are used to change every six months, with each new season comes a new proposal that arouses the curiosity of the finest palates, but this time the MAG team wanted to amaze its customers with an innovative double-sided drink list, in which the MAG the Pusterla against the emerald green background they look at themselves in the mirror with the cocktails of MAG the Navigli on the sugar paper-colored background, both delicately described in gold characters. The choice of characters was not random, Francesco Bonazzi he told us how it was built in detail. For each couple chosen there was an equal pair of bartenders, one from MAG la Pusterla and one from MAG i Navigli, who worked together to create the duo of drinks according to their mixing style. Upon completion of the drink list, after a month of hard work, the winning couple was chosen, a sort of real internal competition to best stimulate the creative flair of the entire team.

World's Famous Couples

There World's Famous Couples features several couples of famous characters such as Gatsby and Buchanan, but also Asterix and Obelix or Tarzan and Jane; but the surprise is that the characters in pairs have been divided between the two venues, one character is present in the drink list MAG the Navigli and its double in that of MAG The Pusterla. Only one exception for the central cocktail of the drink list: Christina, in honor of Scarlett Johansson's character in Vicky, Cristina Barcelona, which can be drunk in both venues as it symbolizes the trio's union with cocktails Mary And Anthony, however, divided between the MAG the Navigli and the MAG the Pusterla.

A ticket to the retro cinema

The little gem dedicated to customers is a small gadget, an old cinema ticket which is given free to all customers who go to MAG la Pusterla to have a drink. The ticket marked for the entrance fee can be used for a free drink of a half portion of the cocktail Fusettone at the MAG the Navigli.

The drinks recommended by Francesco Bonazzi


Al bano & Romina

It is a more fun pair of cocktails that is based precisely on the concept of “a glass of wine with a sandwich, happiness”. At the ban represents the "glass of wine" and is served in a wine flask with straw around it and two glasses; it is a cocktail already designed for two people and you can find it at MAG i Navigli. Romina, on the other hand, represents the "bread" of the famous duo and is the missing part of the wine, which you can find at MAG la Pusterla.


Al ban Wine

  • Portobello Gin
  • Professor Chinato's Vermouth
  • D'Orange Ancienne Pharmacie
  • Salted Caramel
  • Olive brine


Romina Martini

  • Farmily Vodka
  • Vermouth The Gibson
  • Italicus
  • Lillet Blanc
  • Celery Bitter
  • Scent of Bread Crust



Laurel & Oil

It is the perfect couple who already in their taste describes what they have been in comedy, timeless symbol of the joke and central ingredient: the banana. Nello Laurel we find banana shrub produced directly from the peels, while in Oil we find the banana as the sweet part of the drink; a recovery at product level, but above all a complete union also in the ingredients.

Laurel's Collins

  • Tanqueray Lt
  • Banana cream
  • Tempus Fugit
  • Banana Shrub
  • Verjus
  • Saline solution
  • Laurel


Old Fashioned Oil

  • Bulleit Bourbon
  • Rittenhouse Rye
  • Dry Spree
  • Walnut Bitter
  • Banana
  • Sherry Cream


Clelia Mumolo

MT Magazine editorial team

MT Magazine editorial team

MT Magazine è una finestra sempre aggiornata sul mondo della miscelazione italiana e internazionale. Nata nel 2017, da un’idea di Laura Carello, il progetto ambiva a creare una guida circoscritta ai cocktail bar di Torino e Milano, in pochi anni poi si è ingrandita al punto tale da diventare un vero e proprio magazine di riferimento per il settore della mixology e gli appassionati di cocktail.

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