
Rumors Delete 4.0, the new drink list from Rude Centocelle that looks to the future


Marco Zampilli And Cristian Ricci, both born in '83, they are the owners of Rude Centocelle, trendy cocktail bar street which looks to innovation and experimentation. Opened in 2018 in the main street of the Centocelle district, in Via dei Castani, the restaurant has a futuristic atmosphere characterized by a Northern European style. Fluorescent neon lights hanging from the ceiling and walls, objects with clean and modern lines, tables and seats with a minimal but avant-garde look at the same time; overall, the conceptual trend of the location's furnishings contributes to transmitting a wave of warmth and welcome despite its simplicity.

Marco Zampilli

Cristian Ricci

Since its opening, Rude Centocelle has pursued a very specific mission: to give the suburbs a renewed dignity in terms of hospitality, with a place with a well-defined identity, capable of proposing an idea of innovative and original mixing, as well as establishing itself as a place of great recreational excitement. One of the concepts behind Rude lies in one of the interpretations of the name itself: Rude also means Rumors Delete, and indicates the need to shift attention from bartenders to customers, the true protagonists of bars as centers of aggregation and hospitality.

The Rumors Delete 4.0 drink list

Rude Centocelle's latest drink list created by Marco and Cristian, together with Federico Graziani and Lorenzo Siri is called RUMORS DELETE 4.0, and is characterized by the need to combine all their skills acquired over the years with an alternative and unusual communication that looks to the future. And in this case they really went into the future. In fact, the new drink list contains 20 new drinks from 2100. Already in the previous drink lists, journeys through time have been addressed, between the 80s and 90s, combining, for each year, a different cocktail, conceived with a cultural theme able to tell, not only tastes and flavours, but also the many facets and habits and customs of past eras. What apparently seems like a fantastic journey is nothing more than a dystopian projection of a series of catastrophic futures, in which Rude Centocelle resists in every reality described (there will be 8 "worlds" narrated, and each world is narrated with hypothetical apocalyptic scenarios to be tasted).

Gravity Rude

Dose 1

The drinks are presented in the same minimal style that also characterizes the venue, with an eye towards the glasses used, which for Marco and Cristian must be able to enhance the contents inside them. From the Nick and Nora cups, to the Collins and the Flûte, the research work behind the glasses is central to the creation of the drinks. And speaking of drinks, an example within this dystopian-tinged menu is the Cerno Bill, Diplomatico Planas Rum, cordial mint, white chocolate, cocoa and prosecco, which appears to the customer in a fluorescent green color as if it contained radioactive material, and no coincidence that it belongs to the imaginary world of the Nuclear War. Or the Berlusconi to find, appearing in the Robot Domination category, with Bulleit 10 Bourbon Whiskey, pear and tonka bean, Bitter Fusetti, Carlo Alberto Red Vermouth, verjus. Central to the creation of cocktails is clarification, i.e. the mixing technique that allows you to create clean-looking drinks, eliminating turbidity and creating a perception of clarity, thanks to the elimination of all the solid particles present in the liquid.

Cerno Bill

Berlusconi to find


An intriguing peculiarity of the Rude Centocelle team is that, they were the first to set a foot in that Metaverse, never so popular as today, offering the sale of cocktails from the drink list in NFT format on the Open Sea platform, the largest marketplace in the world dedicated to these "files" of the future. They are Non-Fungible Tokens that offer the possibility of benefiting from a lifetime discount of 50% on the NFT drink purchased, a service designed to combine the rush to the new virtual world with benefits in real life.


MT Magazine editorial team

MT Magazine è una finestra sempre aggiornata sul mondo della miscelazione italiana e internazionale. Nata nel 2017, da un’idea di Laura Carello, il progetto ambiva a creare una guida circoscritta ai cocktail bar di Torino e Milano, in pochi anni poi si è ingrandita al punto tale da diventare un vero e proprio magazine di riferimento per il settore della mixology e gli appassionati di cocktail.

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