
Coca-Cola HBC Premium Spirits are protagonists at theGINday in Milan


THEOn 10 and 11 September Coca-Cola HBC will be present with its Premium Spirits division – Glendalough and Silvio Carta – at the eleventh edition of theGINday in Milan, the first and largest Italian event dedicated to gin, genever and their botanicals since 2013.

The choice is part of the idea of operating in a continuously evolving market, which for about ten years has represented an important business opportunity in Italy and around the world, capable of changing also radically the drinking culture, from production to pour. It's not simply about the rediscovery of greats cocktail classics that have brought a centuries-old product back into vogue; attention is increasingly turning also towards the smooth product, or at most simply mixed in the most exemplary gin&tonic. It is precisely this new age of gin that Coca-Cola HBC wants to ride with its premium gins Glendalough and Silvio Carta.



There are two brands that Coca-Cola HBC will bring to theGINday.

Glendalough is an Irish gin brought to success by a group of friends from Dublin who, in 2011 with the aim of reviving the passion for distillation in Ireland, created Glendalough Distillery. Specifically, there will be two Irish products that can be tasted at the two days in Milan.


Glendalough Wild Botanical it is an extraordinary gin produced using wild plants found in the mountains around the distillery. The plants are harvested by hand and inserted fresh into the still within a few hours of harvesting. Next, they are slowly distilled to extract the delicate flavors in small batches. On the nose it releases spring notes, with recognizable aromas of juniper, citrus and, later, floral, autumn fruit and spicy notes. An ideal gin for all seasons.


Glendalough Wild Rose it is a fresh and rose petal gin, produced starting from the wild botanical recipe and redistilled with additional fruit, flowers, spices and fresh rose petals. Inside, there are three varieties of rose: Wild Rose from the Wicklow Mountains, Heritage Roses and Damask Rose. The technique used for the production of this gin is that of steam distillation and subsequent infusion with roses to intensify its flavour.

coca cola hbc

Silvio Carta is a company born in the early 1950s in Baratili San Pietro, in the province of Oristano. Initially dedicated to the production of the local Vernaccia di Oristano wine, over the years it specialized in myrtle, vermouth, spirits and London Dry Gin, the product that Coca-Cola HBC chose to bring to the event. The perfect embodiment of the authentic spirit of Sardinia is due to the use of Sardinian 100% raw materials, which give incredible saline and balsamic hints and differentiate it from the competition, making it a product of Italian tradition and artisanal quality with all the botanicals picked by hand .


MT Magazine editorial team

MT Magazine è una finestra sempre aggiornata sul mondo della miscelazione italiana e internazionale. Nata nel 2017, da un’idea di Laura Carello, il progetto ambiva a creare una guida circoscritta ai cocktail bar di Torino e Milano, in pochi anni poi si è ingrandita al punto tale da diventare un vero e proprio magazine di riferimento per il settore della mixology e gli appassionati di cocktail.

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